Sunday, August 18, 2013

Becoming a man

Sounds cheesy.... But yes! I am officially 21.. Not Gannon say much but I really wanted to record my feelings and emotions on this 'special' day. It'll definitely be a rough yet fun day ahead. Rather, most of all I really wanna receive something from of this year. Gonna record every instance this day/week ;) God save the Mouses.. I just came tht up.. Maybe because i am drunk.. Goodnite!

Sunday, July 7, 2013


What is difficult? How hard is hard? These questions bug me. Maybe that is why it would be a dream come through if I am able to really test how far can I go. Despite having such desire for a challenge in my life, I have never really done anything all out. I guess I am afraid of the success or failure. But just for once in my 21 years of life.. I wanna reach out my hands, stretch out my legs, shout at the top of my lungs, cry till my eyes dry up, run till my legs break off, lift till my muscles burst! ARGHHHH!! 

Year 3 sem 1 week 7.. I shall challenge you! I've raised the difficulty to hell mode by compiling all the assignments, involved in captain ball and... I will update the results of this challenge soon! 

Anyhow, it's been an eventful week. Learn lots of new stuff, met lots of new people. There was an incident that I particularly want to immortalize ( or until blogger shuts down) on the Internet. The first was about a car accident on 3rd of July 2013. It was a rare occurrence of rain in the morning, I was about to fetch Kharis for breakfast. Without looking in front, my car banged the car in front of me. There was a dent in his car. I, being afraid, parked my car and approached the owner who curiously did not look angry. I ran to him, asking of any one was hurt. He calmly replied, 'No'. Clearly being the one at fault I went on asking him is he rushing. Well, if he was, I wound gave him my phone number, if he wasn't, I guess We'll have to reach a mutual understanding. You can see a lot was running on my mind when I asked the question. Either it's becoming a trend or a consistent event in my life, everything was so simple? Well, that guy came to me, say its alright, went back into his car and drove away. Sounds familiar right? I was stunned! And shocked! And amazed! And in awe! And star stricken! 
Life.. Unpredictable isn't it :)

Till then.. The race goes on :)

Friday, June 14, 2013

Lowest point, but not giving up!

These few weeks had been a roller coaster journey. I have had many up and down moments, most probably due to anxiety as I was put in charged of the annual May semester CF Welcoming Night. I admit that I had not put in my best efforts in the organizing and planning of the event. Transportation, programs, budgets, refreshments, promo video, churches, registration, equipments and many more small details creeped up while I was living out my daily routine. I was so worried every single day. I told a lot of people that everything will be alright but I can't seem to find the peace.

To cut the story short, it was amazing. I can say without a doubt, God's hands were upon the event. If there was no intervention from God, everything will be messed up. Still today, 3 days after the event, I am blur of the the things that happened. Lacking of microphone, music stand, mic stand, amplifier, water dispenser, ice, bowl, lacking of cups. If God didn't helped me, who did? Thus, for the first time in my life I seriously thank God from the bottom of my heart. 

What is my response to that? Sadly, I have yet to change for the better. As I type out the words in this blog, I realized how amazing this God is. His love, His plan is just so overwhelming. Thus, I am also sorry I fell back to my old ways but I am not giving up!

Anyway, Aaron, Levi and Owen came to visit me during this week too. It was a very heart warming experience, just to meet up and catch up with the things going on in each others life. Thank God for them! :)

So what's next? :
1) McDonald's CHALLENGE 
2) One punch man CHALLENGE 

I'll just start with these 3 for this month. Hopefully I will update this blog more frequently. It's kinda cool how I get o reflect on the things that had happened. Hmmm...

Sunday, May 26, 2013


It's been quite a while since I last 'penned' down my thoughts and life. Many things had happened since then. Some of them are : 

1) I ran 21km
2) ...

All right, I forgot quite a lot of things that happened. Darn! I guess I'll need to update this blog as frequent as possible to not miss out any important events in my life. All right! At least twice a month.

Anyway, my semester break was a fairly interesting one. It started slowly as I was trapped in Kampar for the 1st week of my 2-week break. It was good though, life as how it is - no worries, no responsibilities, no purpose, no life. Well, you get the point, it was just lifeless. 

On week 2, I attended Transform camp organized by the UTAR CF group from Setapak. It was really beneficial, I've learn lots and lots of stuff, met lots and lots of people and had lots and lots of fun. And I got my 1st cramp over there. It was in the swimming pool by the way. There were lots of girls. So I got to hopped with one leg till the cramp wears off. Thank God that I got that cramp in swallow waters. (Why am I typing like a small kid? I have no idea. I guess that's how excited I am :) ) God keeps reminding to me how wonderful His love is every single day. The unfathomable love. Ah.. Amazing, just amazing grace and mercy.

There's the emo Aaron event. Apparently something unfavorable happened. But I believe God will guide him through this part of life and he will emerge much stronger and better than before. Thus, I highly suggest and recommend that every man should at least have 1 heart break in their life time - but I do sincerely bless those who got the right one from the start. 

Lastly, the last semester break meal with Kharis and Rosemary was a memorable one. It's simple straight heart to heart talk. Though we try our best not to touch each others sensitive spot, the conversations are meaningful and just right there from the heart. No one is trying to win over anyone. Just plain simple, sincere and warm. I thank God for all these wonderful people in my life. Amazing, just amazing grace. :) 


Monday, March 25, 2013

The Return of the Frog

It's been awhile, the frog is back. I'll keep it short and simple. This post is to immortalize my triumph over my fears and failures. After 20 long minutes of staring and shaking, I managed to burst out   10 seconds of courage in catching the frog that lingered in my toilet. I have a feeling this triumph is just a beginning of something new in my life! To all the frogs in my life, I a, gonna find you, catch you and dispose you, one by one. If I can't do it today, I can't do it tomorrow either! Lord, hear me! 


Sunday, March 10, 2013


Life, it is something so tough, yet so fragile. So strong, at the same time so weak. So full of purpose whilst being meaningless. Living and dying. Joyous and sad. Sweet yet bitter. What am I doing in my life, you asked? I am still learning. But this word, life, it is something so close to me but I don't seem to be able to understand it. This life. What life?

Deep thoughts aside, I've not updating this blog for almost 2 months now. So I am gonna write what I did today. Carrots, pepper, chicken,  and onions. That pretty much sums up what I did today. It turned out a little salty but I am grateful that I am able to provide what I promised. 

Assignments, assignments and assignments. My target is to finish up everything by this week. I am also going to join a full marathon in Penang this November (not yet registered). It will be great.

Updates aside, I dedicate this post to the policeman that was tortured by the Sulu terrorists. You've made me see the world differently. I thank you for all your contribution. You've made me understand the reality of humanity. May you rest in peace.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Unforgettable Start to 2013!

All glory to God! There is no better start to the new than this. Exactly on 1 January 2013, I've the one! The one that kept me accompanied for 2 days, food poisoning. I am down with fever, diarrhea, headache, body ache and many more of their friends. And I would not exchange this experience for any other start. Anyway, I am better now, so I am going to dedicate myself to do lots of awesome stuff. 

By the way, I've managed to accomplished 33.33% of last years list of things to do and I am pretty proud of my little accomplishments. It only motivates me to do better this year. I have a feeling it will be a great year. More events, more activities, more goals, more fun, more God. It'll be great, until then, I am going to take my pills, just in case, my friend is hiding somewhere in me. :)