Sunday, March 10, 2013


Life, it is something so tough, yet so fragile. So strong, at the same time so weak. So full of purpose whilst being meaningless. Living and dying. Joyous and sad. Sweet yet bitter. What am I doing in my life, you asked? I am still learning. But this word, life, it is something so close to me but I don't seem to be able to understand it. This life. What life?

Deep thoughts aside, I've not updating this blog for almost 2 months now. So I am gonna write what I did today. Carrots, pepper, chicken,  and onions. That pretty much sums up what I did today. It turned out a little salty but I am grateful that I am able to provide what I promised. 

Assignments, assignments and assignments. My target is to finish up everything by this week. I am also going to join a full marathon in Penang this November (not yet registered). It will be great.

Updates aside, I dedicate this post to the policeman that was tortured by the Sulu terrorists. You've made me see the world differently. I thank you for all your contribution. You've made me understand the reality of humanity. May you rest in peace.

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