Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Good never fails

First of all, to be very honest, I am still kinda stuck in my spiritual journey -which I definitely feel bad about. But somehow, when I read the bible today, which seem kinda just like a dull book for quite awhile, my eyes were slightly opened. I was like "wow".

It's kinda obvious but recently I've been amazed by the readings that I've made. One really good one was Isaiah 7:9, "if you do not stand firm in your faith, you will not stand at all". It touched me, it was a very personal verse.

I've been a Christian for easily 18 years, but I've only just begin to see God's awesomeness. I started this journey of soul searching with a prayer for God to guide me, I promised that will pray, fast and do all types of things to draw closer to God but I ended up slacking off, sinning and literally rotting. But God never gave up on me.

Likewise, I should not give up on myself.

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