Sunday, July 7, 2013


What is difficult? How hard is hard? These questions bug me. Maybe that is why it would be a dream come through if I am able to really test how far can I go. Despite having such desire for a challenge in my life, I have never really done anything all out. I guess I am afraid of the success or failure. But just for once in my 21 years of life.. I wanna reach out my hands, stretch out my legs, shout at the top of my lungs, cry till my eyes dry up, run till my legs break off, lift till my muscles burst! ARGHHHH!! 

Year 3 sem 1 week 7.. I shall challenge you! I've raised the difficulty to hell mode by compiling all the assignments, involved in captain ball and... I will update the results of this challenge soon! 

Anyhow, it's been an eventful week. Learn lots of new stuff, met lots of new people. There was an incident that I particularly want to immortalize ( or until blogger shuts down) on the Internet. The first was about a car accident on 3rd of July 2013. It was a rare occurrence of rain in the morning, I was about to fetch Kharis for breakfast. Without looking in front, my car banged the car in front of me. There was a dent in his car. I, being afraid, parked my car and approached the owner who curiously did not look angry. I ran to him, asking of any one was hurt. He calmly replied, 'No'. Clearly being the one at fault I went on asking him is he rushing. Well, if he was, I wound gave him my phone number, if he wasn't, I guess We'll have to reach a mutual understanding. You can see a lot was running on my mind when I asked the question. Either it's becoming a trend or a consistent event in my life, everything was so simple? Well, that guy came to me, say its alright, went back into his car and drove away. Sounds familiar right? I was stunned! And shocked! And amazed! And in awe! And star stricken! 
Life.. Unpredictable isn't it :)

Till then.. The race goes on :)

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