Sunday, October 28, 2012

A Trip to Nowhere!

The thing about life is that you really only do live once. To find the perfect partner that will be with you through the highs and lows is not an easy feat. To see someone you really like be with another person is really not a simple thing. Cutting matters really short, its heartbreaking, disappointing and tormenting. All right, it is time to move on.

Yesterday, I've been thinking about my future. If the one that I love is with another person, what should I do? Or maybe, what could I do? So, I've been praying and praying. Not for knowing the outcome but for the direction in life. Things I write in this post may sound really gloomy  but actually things aren't really that bad. Somehow, through the midst of disappointments, I have HOPE! And to have hope in times like this, I really thank God.

Any ways, I will be running my first half-marathon (Approx. 21 km) on the 18th of November 2012. Rest assured, I am not prepared at all. My furthest run so far is 12 km whereby, I have a tough time doing so. Well, I know I can do it. And as for the woman I love, stay strong, God is with you! And I will never give up! Ever! =)

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