Wednesday, October 17, 2012

YOLO?!!? 17.10.12

"You Live Only Once", that's the famous quote among the peers of my age. It means that we only have one live, so we should live it to the fullest. The funny thing is that I regard myself as a believer of this philosophy. The funnier thing is what happened today. Well, 5 min ago, I was just going to brush my teeth and get ready for bed. Unexpectedly, a brown frog, about the size of my palm, freakishly long legs, not forgetting those evil eyes, jumped down from the ceiling into my sink. Like the 'man' that I am, I calmly walked out of the bathroom and stare at the frog wondering how it got in. After 2-3 minutes of thorough analysis, I calmly walked out and tell my father about the frog. As 'manly' as he was, he told me to pick it up with a plastic bag. I then went and got hold of a plastic bag to, well, to pick up the frog like a man. Yeah, I went in my room with the plastic bag, stared at the frog for about 10 mins, wondering what should I do. I start thinking about what could happened. 'What if he jumped on my body?', or 'What if his legs broke?' And 'I wonder how he feels like?'. 10 minutes more of observation and I walked out with the empty plastic bag. My mom, saw me, when to get a plastic, walked in to the bathroom, closed the door, got the frog, opened the door, walked outside, released the frog. All these in matter of minutes, wait, no, in a matter of seconds. I was utterly disappointed with myself. YOLO? Don't make me laugh. I can't even grab a frog. Ah... The sweet taste of disappointment. I looks like I will have much more to learn.

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